Class yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder

Inheritanceyii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder » yii\base\BaseObject
Available since version2.0
Source Code

LuaScriptBuilder builds lua scripts used for retrieving data from redis.

Public Methods

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Method Description Defined By
__call() Calls the named method which is not a class method. yii\base\BaseObject
__construct() Constructor. yii\base\BaseObject
__get() Returns the value of an object property. yii\base\BaseObject
__isset() Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null. yii\base\BaseObject
__set() Sets value of an object property. yii\base\BaseObject
__unset() Sets an object property to null. yii\base\BaseObject
buildAll() Builds a Lua script for finding a list of records yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder
buildAverage() Builds a Lua script for finding the average of a column yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder
buildColumn() Builds a Lua script for finding a column yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder
buildCondition() Parses the condition specification and generates the corresponding Lua expression. yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder
buildCount() Builds a Lua script for getting count of records yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder
buildMax() Builds a Lua script for finding the max value of a column yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder
buildMin() Builds a Lua script for finding the min value of a column yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder
buildOne() Builds a Lua script for finding one record yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder
buildSum() Builds a Lua script for finding the sum of a column yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder
canGetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. yii\base\BaseObject
canSetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. yii\base\BaseObject
className() Returns the fully qualified name of this class. yii\base\BaseObject
hasMethod() Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. yii\base\BaseObject
hasProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined. yii\base\BaseObject
init() Initializes the object. yii\base\BaseObject

Method Details

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__call() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::__call()

Calls the named method which is not a class method.

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when an unknown method is being invoked.

public mixed __call ( $name, $params )
$name string

The method name

$params array

Method parameters

return mixed

The method return value

throws yii\base\UnknownMethodException

when calling unknown method

                public function __call($name, $params)
    throw new UnknownMethodException('Calling unknown method: ' . get_class($this) . "::$name()");

__construct() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::__construct()


The default implementation does two things:

  • Initializes the object with the given configuration $config.
  • Call init().

If this method is overridden in a child class, it is recommended that

  • the last parameter of the constructor is a configuration array, like $config here.
  • call the parent implementation at the end of the constructor.
public void __construct ( $config = [] )
$config array

Name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object properties

                public function __construct($config = [])
    if (!empty($config)) {
        Yii::configure($this, $config);

__get() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::__get()

Returns the value of an object property.

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when executing $value = $object->property;.

See also __set().

public mixed __get ( $name )
$name string

The property name

return mixed

The property value

throws yii\base\UnknownPropertyException

if the property is not defined

throws yii\base\InvalidCallException

if the property is write-only

                public function __get($name)
    $getter = 'get' . $name;
    if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
        return $this->$getter();
    } elseif (method_exists($this, 'set' . $name)) {
        throw new InvalidCallException('Getting write-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
    throw new UnknownPropertyException('Getting unknown property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);

__isset() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::__isset()

Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null.

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when executing isset($object->property).

Note that if the property is not defined, false will be returned.

See also

public boolean __isset ( $name )
$name string

The property name or the event name

return boolean

Whether the named property is set (not null).

                public function __isset($name)
    $getter = 'get' . $name;
    if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
        return $this->$getter() !== null;
    return false;

__set() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::__set()

Sets value of an object property.

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when executing $object->property = $value;.

See also __get().

public void __set ( $name, $value )
$name string

The property name or the event name

$value mixed

The property value

throws yii\base\UnknownPropertyException

if the property is not defined

throws yii\base\InvalidCallException

if the property is read-only

                public function __set($name, $value)
    $setter = 'set' . $name;
    if (method_exists($this, $setter)) {
    } elseif (method_exists($this, 'get' . $name)) {
        throw new InvalidCallException('Setting read-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
    } else {
        throw new UnknownPropertyException('Setting unknown property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);

__unset() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::__unset()

Sets an object property to null.

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when executing unset($object->property).

Note that if the property is not defined, this method will do nothing. If the property is read-only, it will throw an exception.

See also

public void __unset ( $name )
$name string

The property name

throws yii\base\InvalidCallException

if the property is read only.

                public function __unset($name)
    $setter = 'set' . $name;
    if (method_exists($this, $setter)) {
    } elseif (method_exists($this, 'get' . $name)) {
        throw new InvalidCallException('Unsetting read-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);

buildAll() public method

Builds a Lua script for finding a list of records

public string buildAll ( $query )
$query yii\redis\ActiveQuery

The query used to build the script

                public function buildAll($query)
    /* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
    $modelClass = $query->modelClass;
    $key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
    return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 pks[n]'HGETALL',$key .. pk)", 'pks');

buildAverage() public method

Builds a Lua script for finding the average of a column

public string buildAverage ( $query, $column )
$query yii\redis\ActiveQuery

The query used to build the script

$column string

Name of the column

                public function buildAverage($query, $column)
    /* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
    $modelClass = $query->modelClass;
    $key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
    return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 if v==nil then v=0 end'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'v/n');

buildColumn() public method

Builds a Lua script for finding a column

public string buildColumn ( $query, $column )
$query yii\redis\ActiveQuery

The query used to build the script

$column string

Name of the column

                public function buildColumn($query, $column)
    // TODO add support for indexBy
    /* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
    $modelClass = $query->modelClass;
    $key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
    return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 pks[n]'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'pks');

buildCompareCondition() protected method

protected void buildCompareCondition ( $operator, $operands, &$columns )

                protected function buildCompareCondition($operator, $operands, &$columns)
    if (!isset($operands[0], $operands[1])) {
        throw new Exception("Operator '$operator' requires two operands.");
    list($column, $value) = $operands;
    $column = $this->addColumn($column, $columns);
    if (is_numeric($value)){
        return "tonumber($column) $operator $value";
    $value = $this->quoteValue($value);
    return "$column $operator $value";

buildCompositeInCondition() protected method

protected void buildCompositeInCondition ( $operator, $inColumns, $values, &$columns )

                protected function buildCompositeInCondition($operator, $inColumns, $values, &$columns)
    $vss = [];
    foreach ($values as $value) {
        $vs = [];
        foreach ($inColumns as $column) {
            if (isset($value[$column])) {
                $columnAlias = $this->addColumn($column, $columns);
                $vs[] = "$columnAlias==" . $this->quoteValue($value[$column]);
            } else {
                $vs[] = "'HEXISTS',key .. ':a:' .. pk, ".$this->quoteValue($column).")==0";
        $vss[] = '(' . implode(' and ', $vs) . ')';
    $operator = $operator === 'in' ? '' : 'not ';
    return "$operator(" . implode(' or ', $vss) . ')';

buildCondition() public method

Parses the condition specification and generates the corresponding Lua expression.

public string buildCondition ( $condition, &$columns )
$condition string|array

The condition specification. Please refer to yii\redis\ActiveQuery::where() on how to specify a condition.

$columns array

The list of columns and aliases to be used

return string

The generated SQL expression

throws yii\db\Exception

if the condition is in bad format

throws yii\base\NotSupportedException

if the condition is not an array

                public function buildCondition($condition, &$columns)
    static $builders = [
        'not' => 'buildNotCondition',
        'and' => 'buildAndCondition',
        'or' => 'buildAndCondition',
        'between' => 'buildBetweenCondition',
        'not between' => 'buildBetweenCondition',
        'in' => 'buildInCondition',
        'not in' => 'buildInCondition',
        'like' => 'buildLikeCondition',
        'not like' => 'buildLikeCondition',
        'or like' => 'buildLikeCondition',
        'or not like' => 'buildLikeCondition',
        '>' => 'buildCompareCondition',
        '>=' => 'buildCompareCondition',
        '<' => 'buildCompareCondition',
        '<=' => 'buildCompareCondition',
    if (!is_array($condition)) {
        throw new NotSupportedException('Where condition must be an array in redis ActiveRecord.');
    if (isset($condition[0])) { // operator format: operator, operand 1, operand 2, ...
        $operator = strtolower($condition[0]);
        if (isset($builders[$operator])) {
            $method = $builders[$operator];
            return $this->$method($operator, $condition, $columns);
        throw new Exception('Found unknown operator in query: ' . $operator);
    // hash format: 'column1' => 'value1', 'column2' => 'value2', ...
    return $this->buildHashCondition($condition, $columns);

buildCount() public method

Builds a Lua script for getting count of records

public string buildCount ( $query )
$query yii\redis\ActiveQuery

The query used to build the script

                public function buildCount($query)
    return $this->build($query, 'n=n+1', 'n');

buildMax() public method

Builds a Lua script for finding the max value of a column

public string buildMax ( $query, $column )
$query yii\redis\ActiveQuery

The query used to build the script

$column string

Name of the column

                public function buildMax($query, $column)
    /* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
    $modelClass = $query->modelClass;
    $key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
    return $this->build($query, "'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ") if v==nil or n>v then v=n end", 'v');

buildMin() public method

Builds a Lua script for finding the min value of a column

public string buildMin ( $query, $column )
$query yii\redis\ActiveQuery

The query used to build the script

$column string

Name of the column

                public function buildMin($query, $column)
    /* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
    $modelClass = $query->modelClass;
    $key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
    return $this->build($query, "'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ") if v==nil or n<v then v=n end", 'v');

buildOne() public method

Builds a Lua script for finding one record

public string buildOne ( $query )
$query yii\redis\ActiveQuery

The query used to build the script

                public function buildOne($query)
    /* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
    $modelClass = $query->modelClass;
    $key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
    return $this->build($query, "do return'HGETALL',$key .. pk) end", 'pks');

buildSum() public method

Builds a Lua script for finding the sum of a column

public string buildSum ( $query, $column )
$query yii\redis\ActiveQuery

The query used to build the script

$column string

Name of the column

                public function buildSum($query, $column)
    /* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
    $modelClass = $query->modelClass;
    $key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
    return $this->build($query, "'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'n');

canGetProperty() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::canGetProperty()

Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read.

A property is readable if:

  • the class has a getter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
  • the class has a member variable with the specified name (when $checkVars is true);

See also canSetProperty().

public boolean canGetProperty ( $name, $checkVars true )
$name string

The property name

$checkVars boolean

Whether to treat member variables as properties

return boolean

Whether the property can be read

                public function canGetProperty($name, $checkVars = true)
    return method_exists($this, 'get' . $name) || $checkVars && property_exists($this, $name);

canSetProperty() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::canSetProperty()

Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set.

A property is writable if:

  • the class has a setter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
  • the class has a member variable with the specified name (when $checkVars is true);

See also canGetProperty().

public boolean canSetProperty ( $name, $checkVars true )
$name string

The property name

$checkVars boolean

Whether to treat member variables as properties

return boolean

Whether the property can be written

                public function canSetProperty($name, $checkVars = true)
    return method_exists($this, 'set' . $name) || $checkVars && property_exists($this, $name);

className() public static method
Deprecated since 2.0.14. On PHP >=5.5, use ::class instead.

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::className()

Returns the fully qualified name of this class.

public static string className ( )
return string

The fully qualified name of this class.

                public static function className()
    return get_called_class();

hasMethod() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::hasMethod()

Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined.

The default implementation is a call to php function method_exists(). You may override this method when you implemented the php magic method __call().

public boolean hasMethod ( $name )
$name string

The method name

return boolean

Whether the method is defined

                public function hasMethod($name)
    return method_exists($this, $name);

hasProperty() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::hasProperty()

Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined.

A property is defined if:

  • the class has a getter or setter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
  • the class has a member variable with the specified name (when $checkVars is true);

See also:

public boolean hasProperty ( $name, $checkVars true )
$name string

The property name

$checkVars boolean

Whether to treat member variables as properties

return boolean

Whether the property is defined

                public function hasProperty($name, $checkVars = true)
    return $this->canGetProperty($name, $checkVars) || $this->canSetProperty($name, false);

init() public method

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::init()

Initializes the object.

This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the given configuration.

public void init ( )

                public function init()